Thursday, 12 February 2015

random act of kindness #1

As here in Italy it's almost Friday I can post my RAK #1.

Last Monday I went out for lunch after school with my grandmother; she was really happy.

Here the picture of me and her when I was little.

Thanks Betsy to organise this game on your blog


  1. That picture is adorable! I'm sure your grandmother enjoyed having lunch with you! I love that! Thanks so much for joining in Beatrice! Please come back to my blog...I've started the post and you can link up your RAK with the rest of us! Thanks again!

  2. I am a grandma and this RAK is great!
    What a cute picture. I'm going to take more pictures of my grandchild after seeing yours!

  3. Every Grandma will love this post....I can't think of anything better than having lunch with one of my grandchildren.

    The picture is beyond precious.

  4. Thank you all for all the lovely comments.!!!!
    Have a nice weekend

  5. So, So sweet...Grandmothers love having dinner with their grandchildren!! any moment of time spent with grandkids is AWESOME!

  6. Hi Bea,
    Lovely picture and great you treated grandmother to lunch . . .
    Nice to meet you . . . . . Eddie :)

  7. I love going out to lunch!

  8. As a grandmother, I can truthfully say this RAK was MUCH appreciated!! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  9. How special for you nonna! What a wonderful thing to do :)
